Every woman should have access to safe and dignified accommodation while she waits for a decision on her asylum claim.
Accommodation is a pressing concern for the refugee and asylum-seeking women in our network.
Many have been accommodated in hotels, including mothers with their children. Many women experience gender-specific harms in hotel accommodation. There is no women-only accommodation for single women, and women we work with have told us they feel uncomfortable in mixed-gender accommodation, because of their previous experiences of gender-based violence. There have also been reports of women experiencing sexual harassment and threats in their hotel accommodation.
"I was in a room with no windows for over a year. I felt like I was living in a coffin."
Hope*, member of Rainbow Sisters and our Spokesperson Network
We are campaigning to:
Stop the use of hotels
Stop the use of hotels as long-term accommodation for women.
Improve conditions
While women remain in hotels, to improve conditions for women.
End the use of large-scale centres
Prevent the use of large-scale accommodation centres to accommodate women, and to end the use of these centres entirely.