Support our Rainbow Sisters

Our support group for LGBTQ+ women and non-binary individuals.

"Before joining Rainbow Sisters, I could hardly open my mouth to tell anyone about my sexuality. Now I will shout it from the rooftops. I have become free."


Rainbow Sisters is a supportive, welcoming and confidential group open to lesbian, bisexual and trans women, and non-binary people seeking asylum.

The group comes together weekly and meets a real need for a safe space for LGBTQ+ women and individuals to feel supported to understand and celebrate their sexuality and who they are.

Rainbow Sisters provides vital support and solidarity for LGBTQ+ women and individuals through the tedious and draining asylum process, providing hope, love and family.

Support the Rainbow Sisters and show your solidarity with LGBTQ+ women and non-binary individuals seeking safety in the UK.

Everyone deserves to live in safety and to love freely.